Spring Touring Bindings

While most of the chairlifts in Tahoe will stop spinning this month, the backcountry will be “open” for a long time. If you have a touring setup you already know there will be great skiing for the next month and a half. If you don’t have a touring setup this is the season to get one.

We thought it would be a good time to showcase some of our A/T bindings since we carry a lot of options. At the Tahoe Sports Hub we have bindings in stock from Dynafit, ATK, Marker, and Salomon (including Atomic & Armada counterparts).

Salomon MTN - A minimalist binding that has a reputation for reliability. Can be ran with or without brakes for an ultralight setup.

Dynafit ST Rotation 14 - Dynafit has been in the uphill game since the beginning. A solid binding that is easy to use, skis great and won’t leave you wanting more.

ATK Freeraider 14 - The ATK bindings strike the perfect balance between light weight and ride quality. They also have the ability to set both vertical and horizontal release.

Atomic Shift - The Shift series revolutionized the A/T game a few seasons ago. The first binding to use pins up front for hiking, but with a toe piece that transforms and lets you ski a modified alpine toe and heel.

Marker Kingpin - A hybrid touring binding that is designed with less moving parts. Toe pins are used for both uphill and downhill, click into a modified alpine heel for the descent.

Marker Duke PT - This is our beefiest hybrid style binding that features a removable toe piece Tour with it in your pack, pop it back on at the top and charge.

Quincy Shanks