Santa Cruz Dealer

We have some very exciting news… as of mid July we are officially a dealer for Santa Cruz Bicycles! We have bikes in stock now with more on the way. We are beyond stoked to represent the brand under the Tahoe Sports Hub roof.

Santa Cruz has been in the bike game for a long time, putting out amazing bikes since 1994. Also the brand is so much more than just a manufacturer, they have been pushing innovation without sacrificing quality and attention to detail for decades. They always have an amazing world cup team that really tests the limits of what can be done on a bicycle. On top of everything else, Santa Cruz has always been a huge player in contributing and advocating for trail stewardship. If you ride in the Lost Sierra you have personally benefitted from Santa Cruz Bicycles efforts to be involved with trail building and maintenance.

We have the new gen 3 Hightowers and Hecklers in stock right now in multiple sizes with color options. Bronsons are on order as well. Santa Cruz also just released (Aug 1st) a brand new version of the Nomad with mixed wheels which is en route as you read this! Being a dealer means we also have Reserve wheels available at the shop in 29”, 27.5”, and mixed wheel sizes.

Stop by and check out the latest from Santa Cruz Bicycles at the shop now!

Quincy Shanks